
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Moai 5: New Generation Collector's Edition

Powerful magic is at your fingertips as you prepare for a ceremony that will protect your island home! Guide the young twins Hika-Ri and Kao-Ri as they go their separate ways on a journey that will culminate in a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Powerful magic is at your fingertips as you prepare for a ceremony that will protect your island home! Guide the young twins Hika-Ri and Kao-Ri as they go their separate ways on a journey that will culminate in a once-in-a-lifetime experience. As they gather the items and skills they will need to perform a ritual that will save their people from disaster, you will control them one at a time, strategically gathering and managing resources, repairing villages and completing quests for the natives they encounter. You will also unleash the power of nature to ward off hurricanes, droughts, floods and more by drawing elemental signs on your screen using your mouse cursor. This innovative approach to casting spells will save you precious time as you race against the clock to earn achievements, unlock bonus levels and find magic items that can help you complete levels even faster.
529 MB

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